Elaine’s Story
Many people choose to make their career a primary focus in life. I was no exception to that rule. When it came to my role as a hospital administrator, I was laser-focused in my determination, worked long hours, and had a lengthy commute. I married later in life, and instead of going on a honeymoon, I opted for a destination wedding. I just couldn't be away from work for too long. In fact, I had accrued so much vacation time that when it was time for me to move on to my next career, I was paid for months. Taking time off wasn't a priority for me.
However, after much prompting from my family, my husband and I decided to plan a multi-generational family vacation to Walt Disney World with both sets of Grandparents. We had an amazing time and created so many memories that can never be replaced. My girls were so happy; they couldn't wait to do it again. Sadly, before we could make it happen, my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. I stopped working immediately to help with his treatment and care, and he survived for 6 months. Upon his passing, I returned to work but quickly realized that it was time to reevaluate what was most important to me. I decided to stay home and raise my children.
Years later, we'd still reminisce about how great that vacation was and how many fond memories we accumulated during that time away to focus on each other. It was such an iconic moment, and our house was lined with pictures of that one meaningful trip. As my girls grew and needed me less, I debated my next move. Should I return to my previous career, or should I do something else entirely? After all that had taken place over the years, I realized the vacation we'd experienced together was so impactful that I wanted to help others (like myself) make time to create memories. This drove me to become a travel consultant. I'm forever grateful I listened to my parents and that I took my girls on that trip with all of their grandparents. Now I want to help others slow down, explore, and capture moments to create memories that will last their lifetime.
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
- Theodor Seuss Geisel (dr. seuss)